Returning From an Extended Absence

The recent pandemic has affected each of us in ways that we could never have anticipated. I won’t dwell more on that period since I prefer to look to the future rather than worrying about the past. I will say that I hope each of my readers have come through the experience with a greater appreciation for life.

I’ll be resuming my blogging here on this site. If you have visited this blog in the past, you’ll be delighted to learn that I’ll be returning to my past posting style. This will include bringing back my true crime, celebrity birthday, and Short Attention Span Theater posts.


I’ll also be adding a new feature, which I like to call Trash Talkin’ Horror. This will involve film review posts with my own unique slant. I’m not one to simp for any director, star, or franchise when it comes to giving my honest thoughts on movies. Additionally, I won’t be taking incentives from distributors or production companies like so many reviewers do. Even when they claim to give an unbiased review, I still don’t trust that they’re not swayed to provide positive reviews.

 I believe you can absolutely love a movie and still discuss its faults and flaws in good humor. When I do start my Trash Talkin’ Horror feature, I will review classic favorites & hopefully give insights into films you might have missed. I will also review new movies when I can.


I look forward to sharing more of the things that interest me from the darker side of the human consciousness. I hope you’ll join me on this path and that you’ll find something interesting, entertaining, or spooky enough to delight your darker senses.


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