Whispers From Hell: An Anthology Of Horror & The Supernatural

Horror, fiction, ebooks, short stories, anthology

Whispers From Hell: An Anthology Of Horror & The Supernatural

A collection of the haunted & horrific tales by horror author & A.I.A. Member Edward V'Kanty. "Whispers From Hell" has featured on The Night Show, Cyndiland.com, Liss In Bookland, Joey Pinkney Book Reviews, Manic Readers, & many others...

Whispers From Hell
Through a series of events beyond his own control, Melvin Andrews becomes the sole owner and resident of a house that had unnerved him from the first moment he'd laid eyes upon it. As he tries to identify the malevolent spirit haunting him, he realizes that his is not the first soul this entity has preyed upon. Can he defeat the evil that has become so obsessed with him, or will he succumb to the Whispers From Hell?

A Requiem For The Damned
While on vacation with his wife, Evan reluctantly follows one of the local men deep into the jungle on a journey to find the fabled fountain of youth. Instead, the guide leads him into a village that boasts hidden beauties and contained dangers. Will he follow the royal guardian of this village and be granted access to youth eternal, or will he risk his own life and that of his wife's to provide A Requiem For The Damned?

Into The Realm Of The Lunatic
When her mentor and supervisor retires, Dr. Shauna Adams finds herself promoted and in charge of an experimental procedure that will allow her glimpses into the minds of her patients. As the equipment helps her to access the mind of her first patient, she becomes overwhelmed in a world where reality converges with memories, dreams, and fantasies. Lost amidst these images, she must find the truth, before she delves too deep Into The Realm Of The Lunatic.

Plus 6 more bone-chilling tales to make the reader dread the dark of night...


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